Monday, September 29, 2008

El Primer Piso (The First Floor)

¡Quién lo diría! Por fin, la casa!

OK... english, I've been around the job site too much!

From the back, there is the bay window and fireplace (there are a few things to fix... cut out the side windows on bay... etc, etc...what ev!)

This is looking into the house from where the garage will be... where we park the carros.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

First Floor Coming UP!

As you can see things are coming right along... first floor flooring is on.

Here are the girls standing in the basement stairwell.

You can see where the basement garage will be (some day), and the french doors.
Here is Casey's bathroom... ha, ha!
And, here is the floor where the bay window will be in the kitchen area!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

NOW we are cooking w/ Gas

Here is something to look at... finally!!

And, a little more...

And we have a floor. The basement floor that is... thanks, concrete man!

Friday, September 19, 2008

We're Having A Block Party...

Thanks Dave, for the catch you can see, even more progress.

Beginning to see where the garage is going to be.

The tall side wall from the back side.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Finally... some progress!!

We have some partial block walls and the weather is looking good!! Hope to possibly have the block finished by Friday... if all goes well!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

And then there was...



So, after many weeks of barely any rain, we are putting a dent in the drought (don't get me wrong, we really need the rain... we just need to get a foundation poured and some framing done and then... BRING IT ON!). And, here is what we have to look forward to. If we could just find a really big umbrella...