Sunday, August 31, 2008

The One w/ All the Trees on the Ground..

What a difference a day makes... we now have a semi-wooded lot. We are happy with the way everything has turned out though, ol' Rog (the dozer guy) did a great job... working around some big pretty trees to (hopefully) save them. Now Daddy has some long days ahead of him... w/ some much appreciated help from Pop, it is going to be a true "Labor" Day weekend!!

This one is the same view as the previous post... top corner looking down on lot... the three big ones are still there(it looks like only one tree behind the mailbox, but there are two- one in front of the other)!

ABOVE pic was taken from the Pilot at the lower corner of the lot... see the Pilot in the pic BELOW

This is another view from the street looking down where the house will be... you can see the PILOT again at the bottom right.

This is looking from one side of the lot to the other... I'm sure it is all as clear as mud!!


Anonymous said...

What a beautiful lot! Look forward to seeing the progress on the house when we come for Thanksgiving.